Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How can I get immediate relief from shoulder pain?

I am a 25 year old male. I want to know how can I get immediate relief from shoulder pain?

8 Answers

There may be times when pain is gone after a treatment but pain can easily come back. There is no quick fix for shoulder pain. Pain means something is wrong and should be looked at. In order to get rid of pain in the long term, the joint needs to move properly and be rehabilitated. That is where chiropractic comes in.
This depends on what is causing your shoulder pain, where it's at in your shoulder, and how long it has been going. If it has been going on for weeks to months then unfortunately it won't be gone overnight. If it is a muscular issue try heat, stretching, and a TENs unit. This should help relax the shoulder muscles. Don’t use the heat and TENs unit for 20 minutes at a time and a couple of times a day. If the pain is deep inside of your shoulder then I would go see someone about to make sure you don’t have a labrum tear.

It depends on which part of the shoulder is the issue. First, you can try overhead stretching if it is muscle tension. If it’s in the shoulder blade or upper trapezius muscle it may be a rib subluxation. If this is the case, then a chiropractor must be seen. You’ll need an assessment to truly know where it stems from.

We offer chiropractic, rehab, and laser treatment for the shoulder, offering immediate relief in many cases.
For immediate pain relief, you may need to go to urgent care or an ER. A detailed examination needs to be completed in order to determine a proper course of treatment.

Depending on your actual condition: why you have pain; relief may be possible with a simple adjustment from your chiropractor. However, shoulder pain can have so many causes that this question is hard to answer. You need to visit your chiropractor and have a thorough evaluation of the cause of your pain and give you an appropriate care plan to relieve it. For example, if it is bursitis, an ice pack for a day or two can help reduce the bursa swelling, and the pain should subside. If you have tendonitis in any of the muscle attachments of the shoulder, then you may need additional therapies to get you back on track (tendonitis typically takes longer treatment cycles). Please, see your chiropractic physician as soon as possible to evaluate the cause of your pain, so the cause can be treated appropriately, and not just cover the pain – pain tells us something is wrong... Drugs may help your pain subside as well, but if you have a serious shoulder issue, stopping the pain with drugs may make it possible to do more damage.

Thanks for your question,

Dr. Armour D.C.
That depends on which structure is responsible for causing the shoulder pain. I recommend going to a Sports Chiropractor to identify the cause of shoulder pain, then the proper relief can be found.
One must determine the cause of the shoulder pain first to best address the problem then treat and recommend exercises.