Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

How can I reduce swelling in my feet after surgery?

I have feet swelling after surgery. How can I reduce swelling in my feet after surgery?

10 Answers

Ice and elevation is the most important thing to reduce edema in the postoperative period.
The best way to reduce swelling in your feet after to surgery is to elevate
your feet above your heart
I would try a compression sock or see a doctor for lasix

Every circumstance is different and would require a trained podiatrist, like the ones here at the New Jersey Foot and Ankle Center, to evaluate the foot.

We would be happy to help and can be reached in out office at 201-261-9445.
Limit ambulating. Elevate feet higher than your heart at rest or when in bed

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What kind of surgery?
How long ago?
Show me images of both feet to compare here is the swelling?
How you tried elevation and compression garments?
Swelling after foot surgery is normal for 6 wks - 2 months. Before doing anything, I recommend that you consult with your surgeon first.
Keep ankles elevated above shoulder when lying down.Elevate as much as possible when sitting.Use compression stockings when walking.Water(diuretic pills can help as well- need to check with your doctor)
Rest, ice and elevation are usually effective. I recommend you discuss with your foot and ankle surgeon for other options for your particular case
Swelling is normal after surgery. Post-operative swelling may last from 3-12 months after surgery, and may come and go. Ice, elevate, take NSAIDs, and use compression to alleviate post-op swelling