“How can I straighten my teeth without braces or Invisalign?”
I want to straighten my teeth without braces or Invisalign. What are my options?
4 Answers
Crowns, veneers, or a combination of both is an alternative to braces. This disadvantage is that you need to remove the tooth structure to place these restorations. Depending on the amount of crowding, crowns and veneers may not work. The most conservative option is typically the best and that would be orthodontic treatment.
Depending on how much you need to straighten them you may be able to get veneers/crowns to make them look straighter, but the best long-term option would be to see an orthodontist. You may have to change the way your teeth come together, as well as straighten them, so there is going to be more involved than just the way they look. If not done correctly you could affect how you chew and if teeth don’t match correctly you can wind up cracking them. Despite what the TV ads say not everyone can use aligners without professional guidance and straightening your teeth may have more complications than you expect.
You cannot actually straighten your teeth without Invisalign or braces or some kind of Orthodontic Appliance. Depending on what you are looking to accomplish there are times that you can make your teeth appear to be straighter by covering them with laminate or crowns. But this is a much more invasive procedure. With Invisalign or braces, you are not actually cutting your teeth and putting anything on top of them.