“How can acupuncture help headaches?”
I have headaches and want to fix them. How can acupuncture help headaches?
18 Answers
There can be many causes for headaches. A health assessment i necessary to determine the cause of these headaches and if acupuncture is the best option of care.
Acupuncture is at least as effective as prophylactic drug therapy for migraine and it is safe, long-lasting, and cost-effective.
People are well trained by Western medicine to only think of symptoms since all it does is suppress symptoms. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that most people just call acupuncture, we look at the underlying cause of the problem. A headache can have many causes. Some insignificant to extremely serious. In most cases, TCM (which includes many different procedures including acupuncture and herbs) will treat the cause of headaches to eliminate them. In very serious cases we may need to refer you to a Medical professional. So, the answer is it depends. In all cases, acupuncture can facilitate any medical procedures that may be required in serious cases.
Yes. Acupuncture works really well for headaches. It helps with immediate relief during your session as well as decreasing the frequency and duration of headache episodes. Headaches occur for meany reasons and with acupuncture we treat the root cause.

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
Yes. I have often seen patients asymptomatic after regular treatment.
Yes. If your headaches are chronic, you will need multiple sessions per week for a period of time. Then you can decrease sessions to once a week when it is under control. You need a private consultation to discuss your headaches issue.
Lejla Fazlicic
Yes it can.
I'm not sure how to answer "how" acupuncture helps headaches, but I can tell you that it is very effective for treating them.
Yes, it can help headaches, it just the way things are! acupuncture can adjust your inner system so it can stop the headaches. I had a patient who had been severe headache for more then 51 years, I only treated 2 sessions and his ailments totally gone way.
Of course, there are more than 50 trigger points in the head and many other trigger points for treating the headache.
Answering the 'how' question of acupuncture is extremely complicated. This is not a short discussion and would involve tangential digressions into the actual nature of science and scientific investigation, linguistics and translation, a re-think of how biological systems work, an investigation of how philosophy informs science and creates the basic framework along with an understanding of the assumptions inherent in that framework (which are always open to question).
In other words - this is not the forum for a long-form, interactive discussion that would result in someone understanding the 'how' or 'why' of acupuncture.
On top of that, headache is a lot more complicated in the Chinese model. We have more different kinds of headaches that we differentiate between and I'd need a lot more information from you (e.g. where, precisely, on the head do you feel these headaches; what is the pain like; is the pain fixed or does it radiate or move; do you always experience the headaches the same way and in the same place or do they vary; is there any relationship between hormonal cycles and your headache; any relationship between stress levels and your headache; do they often occur at the same or similar times of the day; how often are you experiencing headaches; what makes them better; what makes them worse. And this is only the jumping-off point, there are questions involving other body systems that I'd need to have the answers to in order to really understand what's going on in your particular case).
So, the short answer is: it's very difficult to have a 'how' discussion here. What I can tell you is that when it comes to headaches and migraine, the science behind acupuncture's effectiveness is firm. This is a condition for which we have abundant, high-quality evidence that acupuncture can help.
In other words - this is not the forum for a long-form, interactive discussion that would result in someone understanding the 'how' or 'why' of acupuncture.
On top of that, headache is a lot more complicated in the Chinese model. We have more different kinds of headaches that we differentiate between and I'd need a lot more information from you (e.g. where, precisely, on the head do you feel these headaches; what is the pain like; is the pain fixed or does it radiate or move; do you always experience the headaches the same way and in the same place or do they vary; is there any relationship between hormonal cycles and your headache; any relationship between stress levels and your headache; do they often occur at the same or similar times of the day; how often are you experiencing headaches; what makes them better; what makes them worse. And this is only the jumping-off point, there are questions involving other body systems that I'd need to have the answers to in order to really understand what's going on in your particular case).
So, the short answer is: it's very difficult to have a 'how' discussion here. What I can tell you is that when it comes to headaches and migraine, the science behind acupuncture's effectiveness is firm. This is a condition for which we have abundant, high-quality evidence that acupuncture can help.