“How common are white spots after braces?”
I am a 21 year old male. I want to know how common are white spots after braces?
3 Answers
Very common, usually these are called decalcification spots. Some can be removed, some can’t. Good brushing habits and fluoride Tx are a must during braces to prevent these.
Post-orthodontics white spots are rare when the braces are securely placed (no voids in the bonding layer), and the client is diligent with both a toothbrush (I do like Sonicare's results) and an irrigator, think pressure washer (like Hydrofloss or waterpik), and one has minimal simple carbo frequency. The white spots are places plaque matured and its bacteria excreted acid on the tooth, the first stage of decay. It sounds like the braces were off and you managed to re-mineralize the teeth before a cavity formed, but the hydroxyapatite crystals are now opaque, not translucent (white), so they reflect light from the surface, looking white.