“How deep does a dental implant go?”
I am a 44 year old female. I want to know how deep does a dental implant go?
5 Answers
Depths of dental implants vary from location to location, and by how much bone is available. The longer and wider an implant is, the more bone-implant interface exists for force distribution. This must be balanced, however, by the distance from adjacent teeth, and by local anatomy. The needs for establishment of immediate implant restoration differ from those where the implant is allowed to heal prior to restoring.
Dental implants go to about the same depth in the bone as normal tooth roots, which is about 9-15mm.
Depends on how much bone you have available. Usually anywhere from 6 to 14 mms. The width of the implant also depends on how much gum you have available. Usually 3 to 6 mm.
It depends on how much bone you have. Implant lengths are in millimeters and can be as short as 4mm or as long as 20mm. The ideal is between 10mm and 12mm which is less than an inch.