Cardiac Electrophysiologist Questions Cardiac Electrophysiologist

How do manage A-Fib?

I developed A-Fib after cancer surgery of the esophagus 8 years ago. I have a pace maker and have taken sotol twice daily plus Xerlto since then. I have a bedside monitor. Recently my A-Fib has been very noticeable and happening daily. Where do I go from here?

Male | 79 years old
Complaint duration: 10/01/00
Medications: sotalol,Xarelto,Midodrine
Conditions: A-Fib

3 Answers

You need to see an Electrophysiologist who is expert in the management of heart rhythm problems. You are on appropriate medications, but they may have to adjust the dose to control the heart rate better.
Atrial fibrillation is a progressive disease and AAD (Sotalol) works ~ 30-40% of the time, I suggest seeing an electrophysiology who then might offer you an ablation procedure.
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Your medication regimen is correct. Check your electrolytes especially Potassium. Please see Electro- Physiologist.