“How do you fix a stiff lower back?”
I am a 28 year old female. I want to know how do you fix a stiff lower back?
10 Answers
Hi! Anything stiff needs movement, stretching and be regular with it. Start a yoga class or swim or walk. The more you move the better you will feel! And get adjusted!!!! Ice helps too if pain is present. 20 min on and hour off, repeat. Good luck!
Chiropractic adjustments help stiff low backs. Also look at your posture, especially if you sit at a desk. Look at your exercise routine. If you don't exercise I would start.
It depends on the cause of the stiffness, tight muscles/ligament/tendons, stiff vertebral joints or facet joints arthritis, or pressure on nerves. I treat with a class four cold laser and LF/HF Sigma Technology, and manual adjustments. I also treat with a functional medicine approach that reduces inflammation and improves the healing process.
Have him attempt cat and camel movement. That'll help localize the complaint. In our office, upper cervical issues are frequently found important. Is there neck pain/stiffness?
Have you been to a chiropractor before? Have you had x-rays? Many times, there is a spine/nerve problem that is causing the tightness/stiffness, and it is not just a simple muscle problem. Proper x-rays at our office would tell us what needs to be done to correct it. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please reach out to our health center at 314-942-8608 or www.HealthFromWithinstl.com
Dr. Jane Bye
A common complaint that chiropractors treat is stiffness in the low back. Often it is caused by a lack of movement of the small joints of the spine. Other causes are degenerative changes to the joints and discs. We as chiropractors are generally very successful in treating this problem with spinal adjustments and the use of exercises to strengthen the spine.
First, figure out your "why." Are you sitting too long? Are you sitting in surfaces that are too soft like recliners and cushy couches? Is your nutrition on point with healthy proteins, a variety of fresh vegetables, healthy fats with omega-3s and friendly fiber sources?
After you corrected any issues from above, move your body. Walk, do yoga, bend and stretch. Use a foam roller. And, most importantly, get adjusted. As a chiropractic kinesiologist, I do muscle testing to determine imbalances and I correct those imbalances with chiropractic adjustments. They are safe, effective, and often give immediate results.
After you corrected any issues from above, move your body. Walk, do yoga, bend and stretch. Use a foam roller. And, most importantly, get adjusted. As a chiropractic kinesiologist, I do muscle testing to determine imbalances and I correct those imbalances with chiropractic adjustments. They are safe, effective, and often give immediate results.