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Dr. Patricia Hope Landgraf, D.C.


Dr. Patricia Landgraf is a Chiropractor practicing in Brookfield, WI. Dr. Landgraf specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, back pain and extremity pain, among many others. Dr. Landgraf seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine, extremities and cranium, by prescribing exercises that break poor functional use patterns, and with nutrition counseling.
37 years Experience
Dr. Patricia Hope Landgraf, D.C.
  • Sussex, WI
  • Logan University
  • Accepting new patients

Is it bad to go to the chiropractor too often?

Hmmm. Can you be more precise? Why would someone treat you too often?

Is a chiropractor good for shoulder pain?

Yes, chiropractic is good for shoulder pain. There are four joints of the shoulder (acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, glenohumeral and scapulothoracic). Chiropractic manipulation READ MORE
Yes, chiropractic is good for shoulder pain. There are four joints of the shoulder (acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, glenohumeral and scapulothoracic). Chiropractic manipulation is excellent for realigning them. There are many muscles that work the shoulder joint and any imbalance in them needs to be corrected - I use applied kinesiology to evaluate and correct these imbalances.
The nerves to the shoulder come out of the spine in the neck, so the neck may need to be adjusted to allow proper nerve flow to the shoulder so healing is optimal. Shoulder movement always coordinates with the core, back and neck rather than as an isolated body part, so a good approach to correcting shoulder problems would include correcting issues in these remote areas that contribute to shoulder dysfunction.
Also, many times people have pain in the ribs near the shoulder blade that feels like shoulder pain. Chiropractic is effective at correcting this as well.

How should I sleep with shoulder pain?

Sleeping with shoulder pain can be tricky. Don’t sleep on your stomach as it is bad for your neck. Side sleeping and back sleeping are good sleeping positions, and in these positions READ MORE
Sleeping with shoulder pain can be tricky. Don’t sleep on your stomach as it is bad for your neck. Side sleeping and back sleeping are good sleeping positions, and in these positions the elbows should stay below the level of your shoulders - so your upper arms aren’t raised forward or out to the sides any higher than 90 degrees. You may need to adjust the pillow under your neck so the weight of your head isn’t weighing down the injured shoulder and irritating it. Also if you are side lying with the injured shoulder up, you may need to rest that arm on another pillow to position it comfortably. If you are side lying with the injured shoulder down, resting the up arm on a pillow will reduce the body weight imposed into the injured shoulder. Let your discomfort be your guide so you don’t injure it any further. Sometimes you have to sleep sitting up instead.
I hope you get well soon.

What is causing my back pain?

I’m sorry you are in so much pain. You need an examination to figure out what is wrong. I think that you should see a chiropractor.

Is it safe for a senior to get a chiropractic adjustment?

Age of the patient is irrelevant regarding the safety of chiropractic. If your concern is over the safety of chiropractic applied to osteoporotic bones or arthritic joints, you READ MORE
Age of the patient is irrelevant regarding the safety of chiropractic. If your concern is over the safety of chiropractic applied to osteoporotic bones or arthritic joints, you should know that chiropractors treat these conditions frequently. Care needs to be taken as always but chiropractors are trained for this. You can ask for gentler techniques like activator, Logan Basic, BEST, etc. but usually the chiropractor will already be considering that when treating a 68 year old patient.

Can a chiropractor fix your spine?

Chiropractors fix spines all day long and more.

Is a chiropractor best for neck pain?

Whether or not chiropractic care is best for neck pain depends on what is wrong with your neck. So if you have a diagnosis write back and let me know. I treat patients with neck READ MORE
Whether or not chiropractic care is best for neck pain depends on what is wrong with your neck. So if you have a diagnosis write back and let me know.
I treat patients with neck pain using chiropractic manipulation, applied kinesiology, massage, and exercises.

Can you pop your chest?

If you are trying to adjust yourself, then it isn’t recommended. If you mean that you think you injured your chest when it popped audibly, then a chiropractor can successfully READ MORE
If you are trying to adjust yourself, then it isn’t recommended. If you mean that you think you injured your chest when it popped audibly, then a chiropractor can successfully treat it.

Can your back being out of alignment cause shortness of breath?

Yes. This usually occurs with costovertebral subluxations or thoracic radiculitis. Other conditions that seem like back pain can cause this too that may require a medical work READ MORE
Yes. This usually occurs with costovertebral subluxations or thoracic radiculitis. Other conditions that seem like back pain can cause this too that may require a medical work up. A review of systems and more complete history would help.

Can chiropractors realign your spine?

Yes, chiropractors can realign the spine. That is a lay man’s way of saying what we do. There are many different techniques that can be used to correct subluxations, postural distortions READ MORE
Yes, chiropractors can realign the spine. That is a lay man’s way of saying what we do. There are many different techniques that can be used to correct subluxations, postural distortions and functional distortions.

How long does it take to realign your hip?

If it is uncomplicated, it can take three weeks to three months to correct the hip or sacroiliac joint.

How long should you wait between chiropractic visits?

Frequency of care is based on the length of time you can hold your adjustment. If the injury is acute, care may be needed daily or every other day. The same can be true of a chronic READ MORE
Frequency of care is based on the length of time you can hold your adjustment. If the injury is acute, care may be needed daily or every other day. The same can be true of a chronic case with significant weakness and dysfunctional patterns of movement. As things improve less frequent care is needed at a rate of weekly, to every two or three weeks while recovery continues.

Is it good to get adjusted by a chiropractor?

Yes, it is good to get adjusted by a chiropractor when it is clinically indicated. Chiropractic is a licensed profession. The standard of chiropractic education is excellent. READ MORE
Yes, it is good to get adjusted by a chiropractor when it is clinically indicated. Chiropractic is a licensed profession. The standard of chiropractic education is excellent. National and State licensing boards require rigorous testing to confirm competency. The curriculum and institutions teaching chiropractic are accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education, an organization that is recognized by the US Office of Education.

What does a pediatric chiropractor do?

You can expect a pediatric chiropractor to perform an examination to figure out what is wrong. If chiropractic care is clinically indicated, then a treatment plan will be designed. READ MORE
You can expect a pediatric chiropractor to perform an examination to figure out what is wrong. If chiropractic care is clinically indicated, then a treatment plan will be designed. Usually this will include one or more of the following treatment modalities: chiropractic manipulation of the spine, extremities, and/or cranium, massage techniques, exercises, nutrition recommendations, taping or support braces, heat or ice. There are many chiropractic manipulation techniques. Some are manual, some use tools, and some use special tables.

Does going to a chiropractor feel good?

Feeling properly aligned is what feels good. Sometimes chiropractic care is uncomfortable because the chiropractor is working on irritated tissues. The amount of pressure that READ MORE
Feeling properly aligned is what feels good. Sometimes chiropractic care is uncomfortable because the chiropractor is working on irritated tissues. The amount of pressure that is used is appropriate to the integrity of the tissue. For example, if tissue is torn or swollen then manipulation is delivered in a way that is protective of the injury while still achieving alignment of the involved joints. If the injured or subluxation area has more integrity, then more pressure and range of motion (deformation) can be used during the treatment. Sometimes this feels good or even great during the entire application and sometimes it is uncomfortable and doesn’t feel good until immediately afterwards or anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of days later.

Is it normal to hurt more after seeing a chiropractor?

It can be normal to hurt after seeing a chiropractor, but it can also be abnormal. Usually patients feel better immediately or within a day, and sometimes within 3 days after chiropractic READ MORE
It can be normal to hurt after seeing a chiropractor, but it can also be abnormal. Usually patients feel better immediately or within a day, and sometimes within 3 days after chiropractic care. Sometimes pain after a treatment is from unmasking another more painful layer so it’s an indication that you’re pealing away the layers and making progress. However, sometimes if the secondary issue was treated but the primary issue wasn’t treated, the secondary issue will just get reestablished and that can be painful. And sometimes the tension of the distortion pattern shifted the bony alignment into a more painful position as the adjustment was delivered. Sometimes the treatment does harm. Understanding concisely what your pain is like helps to determine what provoked the pain. So sorry I couldn’t be more specific. I hope you are better soon.

Are hot baths good for pinched nerves?

Heat can be relaxing and enhance circulation to clear debris from the injury. In an acute situation, although it feels good, heat may actually promote more inflammation. If it READ MORE
Heat can be relaxing and enhance circulation to clear debris from the injury. In an acute situation, although it feels good, heat may actually promote more inflammation. If it is still acute, the pain will get worse two hours after taking the heat off. You can use contrast therapy in this situation: after getting out of the tub and cooling down for ten minutes, put an ice pack on for 30 minutes.

How do you fix a stiff lower back?

Stiffness can be complicated. You need a diagnosis.

How do I relieve tension at the base of my skull?

A pillow that is the wrong size, or posture that includes hunkering forward over the desk and then tipping your head up, relative to the torso, to get your eyes to orient toward READ MORE
A pillow that is the wrong size, or posture that includes hunkering forward over the desk and then tipping your head up, relative to the torso, to get your eyes to orient toward objects. To relieve the tension could be as simple as stretching the neck forward for 30 second 3x, and holding it gently in left and right rotation for 30 seconds 3x. Or, it could be more complicated and include stretching and strengthening exercises of the entire body using a precisely designed program. This may need to be combined with clinical care. You should be able to manage comfortable posture no matter what your occupation is. If you can’t, you need clinical help like chiropractic or physical therapy...