“How do you know if back pain is muscle or disc?”
I am a 29 year old male and I have back pain. How do you know if back pain is muscle or disc?
9 Answers
To really figure this out would take a full history, examination, and possibly diagnostic imaging. A few clues: Can you "put your finger on it"? If you can press on a tender spot, that is likely muscle. A second one: Is there pain, numbness, or tingling that radiates below the knee? There is a good chance that is from a disc. It is also possible to have both at the same time!
It requires a detailed physical evaluation. Although, I can tell you that usually an acute pain due to disc issue can provoke muscle spasm.
It requires a detailed physical evaluation. Although, I can tell you that usually an acute pain due to disc issue can provoke muscle spasm.
A good examination by a qualified health care professional should help determine the cause of your back pain, which may be muscle, disc, kidney, hormonal, cancer, or other factors.
There are several ways to distinguish between muscle and disc. If you lay on your back and have them lift one leg at a time while straight and it hurts then it might be a disc. If you feel stretch then most likely muscle. If it gets better through out the day most likely muscle. Stretching and moving makes it feel better then it’s muscle. If you can only get relief while leaning forward then most likely a disc. If it’s a disc then you would have numbness or shooting pains into one of your legs also.
Dr. Kortni
Dr. Kortni
A good history and a good exam. Not a steadfast rule, but if it hurts more in the morning, then it's more likely it's not muscular and a disc. If it feels best in the morning and worse as the day goes on, it may be more muscular.
Muscle pain can be close to the spine or father away, as the back is covered in deep and superficial muscles. Disc pain is more centralized to the spine and usually is sharp when an exacerbating movement occurs. At times, it can cause lack of movement, which muscles in spasm can also cause. The only definite way to know for sure, is through examination and/or MRI.
If you bear down and low back pain gets worse it is probably a disc disorder We treat disc disorders.