Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How does alcohol affect anxiety and depression?

I am a 69 year old male. I want to know how does alcohol affect anxiety and depression?

4 Answers

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, and as such it can make depression much worse. You can also have rebound anxiety after alcohol leaves your system. So drinking more can make things much worse. Your question suggest that you may be wondering this too, so please reach out to your physician and get some help.

I wish you all the best,

Nancy J Warren PhD
One of the strongest comorbid conditions with anxiety is alcoholism. Both need to be treated as they often are interrelated and fuel each other.
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Consuming alcohol can start out as 'medicine' to try to treat anxiety or depression. It can then become the cause of further anxiety or depression, leading to a vicious cycle. Alcohol is a well-known depressant and the effects it can have on your life can both scare you and bum you out, but if you continue to try to treat that with more alcohol, you just make it worse. Many folks can drink sparingly without negative consequences, but for about 1 in 15 people, sobriety is their only way to health, wellness and recovery.
I hope this is helpful.

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