Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

How long after heel surgery can I exercise?

I will have heel surgery. How long after heel surgery can I exercise?

5 Answers

It is totally dependent on the type of surgery and the procedure(s) performed. Usually it will take several weeks (6-8) to several months.
Hi! This is a discussion that you will have with your surgeon before the procedure and it all depends on what you are having done. Soft tissue takes 4-6 weeks to heal and bone takes 6-8 weeks to heal.
That is a question you need to address with your surgeon. Each of us has different protocols for post-surgical patients.
This will vary on the procedure performed. Discuss with your surgeon
The answer is "it depends", it depends on the condition you are having surgery for, type of surgery performed, surgeon's preference, recovery process, rehabibilitation if needed, physical therapy, etc... I would ask that you address this concern with your surgeon.