“How long does broken leg surgery take?”
I broke my leg and will have surgery. How long does broken leg surgery take?
3 Answers
I assume you are referring to your tibia which has an accompanying bone named the fibula. If both bones are broken then this may take an experienced Surgeon between one and two hours using fluoroscopy images of the bone that can be seen instantly by this computer. This method is intramedullary with a metal rod inserted inside the length of the Brokenbone and locked with screws at the upper/ proximal and the lower/ distal ends. I invented external rods that are placed outside the bone proximally and distally. these words were called Side binders.This is a much faster system and using the technique ofMIPO, minimal invasion percutaneous osteosynthesis.I invented special plates for long bones including the tibia which has a 90 degree twist along its axis so it can be placed on the lateral or outside portion of the tibia proximately slid on the knee the muscle and tissues across the fracture site and with a 90 degree curve Placed on the anterior aspect of the tibia. This can be done with preoperative plane radiographs giving the right length and measurement of the rods and should take less than an hour , is Same Day Surgery. Healing is much faster since the external tissues heal the bone with external callus or new bone. Weight Bearing with one or two crutches is allowed immediately.