Hematologist-Oncologist Questions Hematologist-Oncologist

How long does it take hemoglobin to recover after surgery?

I have low hemoglobin after surgery. How long does it take hemoglobin to recover after surgery?

3 Answers

Obviously it depends on how low your hemoglobin is and if the anemia is due only to blood loss and not other problems such as iron deficiency or just inflammation. If just blood loss and not severe, it would usually replace in about a month.
How anemic did you become after surgery? And what was your Hb pre-op? And what kind of surgery was it? If you were not iron deficient pre-op, & didn’t have a lot of bleeding, nor
inflammation post-op, you should be able to start making new red cells w/in a week post-op. If there were a lot of complications, infection, bleeding, etc., it might take longer for your body to start producing new red cells. Inflammation decreases red cell production, as it causes hepciden to be secreted by the liver, which doesn’t let more iron get absorbed, if you’re
not going to make new red cells then anyway. If you have no extra iron stored, like if you bled during surgery, you won’t be able to make new red cells till you can get more iron into your body. If there were no unusual circumstances around the surgery, your Hb will probably be back to normal by a few wks post-op.
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Take Ferrett's iron supplement 3-4 tabs daily with Vitamin C 2,000 mg daily with Rose Hips and Bioflavonoids, NOW brand. Check Vitamin B12/B6/B9 levels and those will have to be corrected as well. For a man Hgb must be 14 and above for a women 13 and above. If does not correct consult Hematology and GI.