Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How long does the depression last after quitting smoking?

After quitting smoking I have depression. Will it go on its own?

4 Answers

 Sorry to hear that you have been feeling depressed after you became a non-smoker.  Not knowing your background it is difficult to answer your question. Were you depressed when you started smoking?   What did smoking accomplish for you?  I would suggest go and see a licensed psychologist to explore what is going on in your life that smoking was covering up that now it is manifesting. Keep being a non smoker as it has many health benefits.
1 month to a year.Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
Hello, ex smoker. First, congrats on stopping!

I am not sure what you mean by ‘depression’ - are you hopeless? Endlessly sad? Not interested in anything you usually enjoy? Sleeping a lot? Not eating?

If so, I doubt it is from stopping smoking. More likely from other related themes that smoking distracted you from. Some counseling might be helpful.

If you are anxious, that may be more from withdrawal and will diminish with time AND helped with clinical hypnosis. Get a name of a qualified hypnosis professional from ASCH, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis for a few sessions.

Good luck! You’ve gone most of the way.

(Dr) Marian K Shapiro
Licensed Psychologist
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