Dentist | Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

How long should stitches stay in after a dental implant?

I will have dental implant surgery. How long should stitches stay in after a dental implant?

2 Answers

The stiches we use dissolve, so we have patients that the stitches dissolve in a day or two and some that dissolve within a week.
The length of time that sutures remain in place is determined by the amount of healing. In the mouth healing is usually rapid after implant placement and a few days in place should be enough time to remove the sutures if they are made out of silk or nylon. If the suture material is a dissolving type the sutures can dissolve in a day or two or up to 3 weeks, depending on the material ( gut or vicryl. ) your practitioner can guide you about the amount of time that sutures remain in place .
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