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How many days of rest should I have after ankle surgery?

I will have ankle surgery. How many days of rest should I have after ankle surgery?

10 Answers

As many as your surgeon tells you
That's a question you need to ask your surgeon. How many days of rest or nonweightbearing depends on the surgery performed.
 It depends on what type of surgery you had. I would suggest open physician that did the surgery. Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM Texas Foot WorksDallas, Athens and Gun Barrel City Texas214-340-8885
The duration of rest needed after ankle surgery can vary based on the type of procedure performed, the extent of the surgery, and individual factors such as overall health and healing ability. It's crucial to follow the specific post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, as they will offer personalized recommendations tailored to your situation.

In general, the initial rest period immediately following ankle surgery often involves keeping weight off the affected foot and limiting movement to allow for proper healing. This may involve the use of crutches, a walking boot, or other assistive devices to support mobility while protecting the surgical site.

To get accurate and personalized information regarding your recovery timeline, we recommend scheduling a consultation with our experienced podiatrist at Jose Loor Podiatry Practice. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care, including pre-operative and post-operative guidance.

To schedule your appointment or discuss any specific concerns related to your upcoming ankle surgery, please call us at (917) 821-0862 or visit our website at [https://joseloorpodiatry.com/].
Typically anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks
Hi! This is a conversation you will have with your surgeon. Typically resting as much as possible for the first two weeks id helpful. Following your instructions would give you the best possible outcome.
The answer is "it depends", it depends on the surgery you are going to have, type of structure being repaired, surgeon's preferrence, etc....please address this issue with your surgeon.
It depends on what type of surgery you are to have. But, in general, you are looking at 4-12 weeks of rest and recovery, depending on the type of procedure to be performed.
Depends on type of surgery
This will depend on the procedure performed. I recommend you discuss with your surgeon for your particular case.