“How painful is it to get a bridge done on your teeth?”
I want to get a dental bridge. How painful is it to get a bridge done on your teeth?
6 Answers
With the proper placement of anesthetic there should be no discomfort at all, post operatively (during the temporary phase- 2 weeks- there may be sensitivity to cold things or certain foods/drinks, with the permanent restoration in place and properly adjusted that sensitivity should resolve.
All of that work is done with local anesthesia, Just as it would be for a filling. Any discomfort should be minimal.
Not at all painful with when properly treated with today’s local anesthetics. You will feel vibration. But advising your dentist when it feels uncomfortable will allow your dentist to adjust dose and protocols accordingly to meet your needs.
Respectfully Yours,
Dr Wayne J Yee
Respectfully Yours,
Dr Wayne J Yee
Your procedure shouldn’t be painful at all since you will get numbed for the procedure. Vital teeth might be slightly sensitive while waiting for the bridge to the sweet cold and hot . If you have a pain while waiting for a bridge the tooth might need a root canal . You will need to talk about to to your dentist.