Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

How quickly does acupuncture work for back pain?

I am a 34 year old female. I want to know how quickly does acupuncture work for back pain?

22 Answers

One to three time does acupuncture work for back pain .
Acupuncture with massage and. herbs can treat and relieve your back pain gradually. The number of sessions will depend on the severity. I suggest you try it.
It depends on what is going on. Anywhere from 1 - infinite treatments for pain management. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
You should feel some relief after the first appointment.
It depends upon many factors; how severe your condition is, how long after injury you are seeking treatment with acupuncture, and so on. If you are overweight or sedentary, it may take longer or you may not respond at all. It truly is on a case-by-case basis. Have you had any surgeries-back related or not? Scar tissue can form and complicate how well or quickly you respond to acupuncture. How is your posture? Do you exercise regularly? What is your diet and water intake like? Do you wear supportive shoes or walk barefoot often?
As you can see, there are multiple factors involved how well you will respond to treatment. Ask your local practitioner about your particular case. Good luck!!
Good afternoon,

Most of the time, acupuncture works well with back pain. Usually, it takes 3-4 treatments, but different conditions might create a faster or a slower response. Talk to your practitioner.


It all depends on the source of the back pain. Generally, upper back pain gets better faster than lower back pain, and muscular pain gets better faster than nerve-related pain. Everybody and every case is different and it’s not easy to say how long a treatment will take.

Thank you,

In more than 9,600 cases of back pain treated in my clinic, ~91% of them would, thank G-d, feel better, immediately… Another ~9% would struggle. In clinical experiences, it seems not only does the practitioner/patient rapport, as well as how long and exacerbated the problem is.
It depends on each individual. Some work immediately. Some may take few visits.
Usually you will feel reduced pain after the first acupuncture treatment.
Sure, it works immediately.

It is difficult to determine how long it takes for the pain to go away because each patient is different, each injury is different and some conditions are more recent and others are older. However, it usually takes a shorter time for a condition that is fairly recent.

Alexandre Hillairet, DAOM.
That depends on the individual and the severity of the pain. It can help immediately, it can take 2 sessions, or it can take 20, but I would say 4-6 on average to start really feeling relief.
Every person is different but you should feel a difference in your first appointment.
Everything is dependent on the state of the patient. Without knowing the patient, I couldn't speculate how long it would take. That being said, it could be anything from immediate reduction of pain or pain gone in 1-30 treatments.
There will be a reduction of pain after the first session.
Everyone is different, but sometimes you can get some relief after the first treatment. Usually a series is necessary for the pain to go down and stay down, but that process can start right away, especially in someone your age.
Acupuncture work for back pain very quickly. I had a patient, she had very severe back pain. I gave her one needle treatment (because she had no money to continue treatment), and she said after that treatment for four months, the back pain did not occur until she moved heavy luggage once.
The longer the backache exists, the more treatments it takes. We usually start at 6 visits if it is not acute back muscle strain.
That depends on how long you've been experiencing back pain, the cause, the frequency of treament, and your compliance with your practitioners treatment protocol. Typically, the longer any complaint has been in existence, the longer it will take to resolve. That being said, if you don't feel some improvement or changes in your body within 5-8 treatments, I recommend trying a different practitioner or style.
I get a lot of this type of question and, to be fair, it's a good question. The problem is: I have no way of providing a meaningful or useful answer without seeing, diagnosing and treating a patient.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the sensation of pain is a symptom of something else that has gone off the rails somewhere. Classically, back pain can fall into one of three different diagnostic categories. In practice, I've seen a couple of other root causes on a fairly consistent basis. In all, that's somewhere between 3 and 5 different reasons why any given patient might experience pain.
Some of those reasons will respond faster to treatment than others and some patients respond faster to treatment than others.

I specialize in pain management. Pain conditions are probably 85-90% of my practice. There are two general things two keep in mind:

1. Statistically, there is somewhere around 5% of the population who simply do not respond to acupuncture - ever. It doesn't matter who they see or how many treatments they receive, acupuncture simply doesn't work for them. Of course, this means that 95% of the population will see some benefit to acupuncture treatment, so the odds are in any given patient's favor here.

2. Acupuncture is a cumulative treatment. Just like we often don't expect a single dose of antibiotic to clear up an infection, we shouldn't expect a single acupuncture treatment to resolve a pain problem. My rule of thumb is to give me 3 treatments. if the patient isn't experiencing some improvement by the 3rd treatment, either I'm missing something or they're in that 5% - usually it means that I'm missing something.