Dentist Questions Dentist

How to fix my jaw asymmetry?

When my top and bottom teeth touch on the right side it pinches my inner cheek. My left side jaw clicks and my left cheek is bigger than my right when I smile and is getting bigger. What type of specialist fixes jaw asymmetry in the UK? The asymmetry has been there my whole life but it's really bothering me now and is very uncomfortable.

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 35
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

From how you described your bite, it appears you have what is known as a cross bite. What concerns me is that you state it is getting bigger. That can be a bit problematic. Simple cross bites are corrected by Orthodontic appliances. You need to see an orthodontist. I would start at your dentist to rule out any other issues that could be the cause of the cross bite. Your dentist then should be able to refer you to see any specialist needed. Please don't put it off. Changing and growing jaws at your age need to be evaluated. 

Conway Jensen, DDS
Oral an maxillofacial surgeon
Usually the Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons fix the jaw asymmetry. You should have a consult with an Oral Surgeon.