“I am getting a headache from my glasses. Please help.”
I was recently detected with an eye power and was recommended glasses by my optometrist. My headache however continues. Please help me.
13 Answers
Headaches can be caused from many different things, including your prescription, or more medical ailments. It would wise to get a comprehensive exam to determine the cause and fix that problem.
Dr. Yalda
Dr. Yalda
The headache could be from the glasses being incorrect. If you have the wrong rx, underlying accommodative issues, prismatic effect within the glasses, and/or an underlying eye teaming issue that is there or is being induced by the glasses.
You may want to return to your optometrist to have them double check the prescription or recheck the health of your eyes. If everything is good there, then you should speak to your primary care physician to perform more tests.
The following are possible causes for headaches: Need of corrective lenses, incorrect prescription, eye misalignment, deformed frame (pressing on the temples), dry eyes, allergies, eye diseases (angle closure glaucoma, etc.), incorrect lighting (screen too bright or too dim), inappropriate head/neck/back posture (while using computer for example), systemic diseases (sinusitis, migraines, tooth or ear infection, etc.), stress, side-effects of certain medications… The first action to take is to check with your optometrist for an eye evaluation and for further tests.
Morgan Graves
There is normally an adjustment period when becoming a new glasses wearer. I would have the glasses adjusted sometimes the frame is just too tight on your face. If this doesn't help I would see you optometrist again to make sure you're glasses are the correct power.
If your eyeglass prescription is correct, and the glasses are measured correctly, then it may be a issue that is not eye-related. If your headaches have worsen, then I would recommend seeing a neurologist who can perform diagnostic tests such CT or MRI to make sure that there are no serious issues such as tumors.
If you are getting a headache only wearing your glasses, go back to the doctor and have your eyes rechecked. This is usually a free visit if you go back to the same place within a reasonable amount of time. There could be many causes such as curvature of the lens, lens material, lens strength too strong, tightness of frame, axis of astigmatism... so have your doctor check the glasses and your eyes.
Amy Bishop
Hi, sorry you suffer with chronic headaches. Headaches are a common, chief complaint from patients when having their eye exam. It is especially important to know if headaches are associated with a specific activity i.e. computer, reading. It is important to know if the headaches occur at the same time of day or if they are random. Waking up with headaches is not associated with eye tension generally, as your eyes have been resting.
Headaches that are frequent, located across the brow and/or around your eyes, that are later in the day can be attributed to eye strain and an eyeglass prescription may alleviate them. The reasons that one can suffer with chronic headaches are vast. Investigative studies and a headache workup with your primary care physician or a neurologist can give you answers, if your glasses are not eliminating your headaches. I always tell my patients to call if the headaches are not better after two weeks of wearing their glasses full time. Prompt referral is in order if chronic headaches persist.
Headaches that are frequent, located across the brow and/or around your eyes, that are later in the day can be attributed to eye strain and an eyeglass prescription may alleviate them. The reasons that one can suffer with chronic headaches are vast. Investigative studies and a headache workup with your primary care physician or a neurologist can give you answers, if your glasses are not eliminating your headaches. I always tell my patients to call if the headaches are not better after two weeks of wearing their glasses full time. Prompt referral is in order if chronic headaches persist.
Erin Lorraine McCleary
If your headaches are continuing even with your new glasses. I would 1) check in with your optometrist to make sure that the power does not need to be adjusted and consider 2) following up with your primary care provider. If the headaches have been ongoing, there might be something else going on.
There are many types of headaches and many possible causes. If you have ruled out your vision as the cause because the glasses haven’t improved them, you should see your primary care physician or a neurologist to look into other causes.