Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

I have chest pain?

I’ve been getting chest pain, right below my breast in the center. It’s a sharp pain, that affects my breathing, and it makes me nauseous. I cannot move when this happens, I cannot talk. I have to put an ice pack on it and basically sit there. It goes on for hours. It used to happen every couple of weeks, but it’s been more frequent now every couple of days. When it happens, I’m stuck in bed, for 2-3 days. I can not lay down, I have to be sitting up, with an ice pack against my skin, and then a pillow, and I bend my chest over to touch my stomach. I am an addict. I was clean for 7 years and recently relapsed. When I use it, it helps the pain go away (sometimes) or it just makes the pain less than what it was. It feels like a heart attack though. It feels like burning and my insides are enlarged.

Female | 26 years old
Complaint duration: It’s been 4 times in the past two weeks, way more than usual.

1 Answer

You are young for a heart attack. However, you must investigate. Your Physician or Cardiologist can evaluate and order tests. To name a few, Chest X-rays and, if needed, CT scan of the chest, EKG, Stress Test, and Echocardiogram. Blood tests should include Thyroid Profile, chemistry, liver profiles, and Lipids.
Good luck.