“I have missed my periods. Should I immediately meet a gynecologist?”
I have missed my periods by 2 weeks and I had sex with my husband 3 weeks back. Is there a possibility that I may be pregnant? Should I immediately meet my gynecologist or should I wait it out?
11 Answers
First take a self home pregnancy test at least twice. And whether positive or negative still make and appointment to see your gyn.
Two weeks after a missed period is soon enough for a gynecologist to be involved. Depending upon the choices, the earlier the cause for the missed period is determined, the safer and better the outcome.
You can do a home pregnancy test; buy a kit from the pharmacy and do that, and if you are pregnant, then see your obgyn; if not, then wait for another week. If your period does not come, then see your obgyn for a blood pregnancy test.
You can do a home pregnancy test. Read instructions carefully before doing test of positive; confirm with your doctor.
Yes you could be pregnant. You can do an at home test, they are pretty reliable. If you have a positive test you should make and app with your doctor.