Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Audiologist

I'm losing my hearing?

For two and a half weeks it's like I'm losing my hearing in my right ear. I shower everyday and wash in circular motions. It feels like my right ear is shutting down. Is there something I can purchase over-the-counter?

Male | 48 years old

9 Answers

Have your ear examined because you don't want a full round with your ear it's very sensitive no matter what you try to irrigate with or clean out.
No. You definitely need to see an ear specialist and have a hearing test, ideally soon.
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If it’s wax or skin, hydrogen peroxide or debrox might help. But, someone should look in your ear to make sure
There is nothing over-the-counter that I would recommend in the situation. I would highly recommend that you see your physician or an otolaryngologist for an examination. If nothing obvious is seen by simply examining the ear, then an audiogram is warranted. Please seek help immediately.

Would recommend to see an ENT Specialist to have an exam and a hearing test. It can be anything from wax to sudden hearing loss.
Thank you.

Dr. D
It is possible that the hearing loss and plugging is from wax build-up in the ear canal. If so, then an OTC product called Debrox may work. However, if this does not work after a week, then you will likely need to seek care at an ENT office.
I hope this helped.

Wayne J. Harsha, MD
If you think you are losing your hearing, I strongly recommend you see an ENT for a hearing test and possible ear cleaning. It might just be some wax blocking the ear, which is annoying, but usually harmless. However, it could be something more serious, and if you don’t treat it soon, sometimes you miss your chance to save your hearing.
Please go to an ENT immediately. It’s possible it’s something simple like wax build up or an ear infection, but also possible that it’s a sudden hearing loss. If it’s the latter, although more rare, there’s a small window of time in which we have to try to get your hearing to come back and that time is NOW.
It could be earwax buildup. If you want to try on your own first, you can buy an over-the-counter earwax removal kit. Debrox is the one I recommend. If your right ear has a lot of wax, it may take several times of using the ear drops and flushing. If after several cleanings it's not better, go see a doctor.