“I’m struggling to hear in my right ear, and it’s painful?”
Duration of complaint: 2 weeks
Location: right ear
Any existing relevant medical issues: none
Current medications: sertraline 100mg, nexplanon
I’ve been experiencing some troubles with my right ear recently. I believe that it’s clogged with earwax — my hearing through it is very muffled, and it’s painful to touch. I’m aware you shouldn’t put anything in your ear, but I was a little desperate and used cotton buds and there was a significant amount of wax. I’ve also tried hydrogen peroxide, which didn’t seem to have much of an effect. Is there anything that I can be recommended? It’s been challenging going about my life, half unable to hear properly.
I used to wear earbuds in my ears every night to sleep before I misplaced them last week. It feels a little off when I don’t touch it, and when I do, it’s painful. It’s hard to describe the pain, but it’s more than discomfort. I’ve e-mailed my pharmacist and I was told I would need anti-biotics if there is discharge, but that’s it. I have autism so I’m a little shy when it comes to phone calls. I’m not sure that this is severe enough to ask my GP. Do you have any advice? Should I ring the GP at some point? Thank you.
16 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Conditions: None