Geriatrician Questions Memory Loss

I think my grandfather is showing first signs of memory loss. What can I do?

Within the last couple of years I noticed my grandfather is forgetting things and repeating things he's already told or asked me. His wife sees it also but isn't doing anything about it because he refuses to say that there is a problem. Is there anything I can do for him? He just turned 80 and otherwise is in great shape.

3 Answers

Thanks for the question. Memory loss may be due to a variety of causes and there are plenty of things that can be done:

1. He should first see his primary care doctor or geriatrician to evaluate his overall cognitive ability by doing simple bedside tests. This should be accompanied by performing basic blood work to evaluate for things like dehydration and thyroid abnormalities. Medications could also be a cause for impaired memory so these should be evaluated as well.

2. Once reversible causes of memory loss are evaluated for by his primary care doctor or geriatrician he should consider evaluation for primary memory disorders like mild cognitive impairment and dementia. There are many types of dementia and testing may need to be done to further evaluate.

3. Once evaluation and diagnostics are done the appropriate treatment plan can be determined. There are some memory medications that can be used if he is found to have a significant memory issue.

All the best,

Dr. Divya Javvaji
probably has symptoms of dementia, i think need to see your primary care or geriatrician to evaluate for dementia and do basic labs to r/out other cause of reversible dementia
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It's good that you notice signs early. The best thing to do would be to request his primary physician do a Memory Evaluation on him to screen for signs of cognitive issues and Dementia. Also, if you haven't already done so, make sure he's written down or discusses his preferences for medical treatment and Advanced Directives now, including naming a medical power of attorney and a financial power of attorney. If he is managing finances still, make sure his wife is able to keep tabs so nothing goes awry.