Dr. Byron Mata
Dr. Byron Mata practices Geriatric Medicine in Kennesaw, Georgia. Geriatricians prevent, manage, and develop care plans that address the special health problems of the elderly. Dr. Mata works as part of a team with other healthcare providers, to address the natural aging that goes on within the body and to manage multiple medical problems and ensure social support.
Dr. Byron Mata
- Kennesaw, Georgia
- Universidad De Guayaguil
- Accepting new patients
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Do people with dementia get geriatric depression?
Yes, you can have both or sometimes the patient only has depression and you will see a huge improvement. If you treat the depression, you'll see how this patient apparently diagnosed READ MORE
Yes, you can have both or sometimes the patient only has depression and you will see a huge improvement. If you treat the depression, you'll see how this patient apparently diagnosed with dementia improved, but needs to be evaluated case by case.
How would a behavioral therapy treat depression?
It helps in addition to medical treatment, both have very successful results.
What does long term depression do to the brain?
It affects your quality of life.
How long does it take to wake up after a heart transplant?
Trust in God first and the doctor second, but I think you will be okay if the surgery is done in a well-prepared facility with experience in this field.
Does forgetfulness in seniors mean dementia?
Not always. It could be some other treatable medical condition.
Is anti-anxiety medicine safe for seniors?
Yes, all anti-anxiety meds are safe for seniors if you start with a low dose and increase slowly. Avoid benzodiazepines, those are dangerous.
What is prescribed for anxiety and depression?
Most of the SSRI family is very useful, but I like mainly mirtazapine, trazodone. But again, it's case by case.
Why does my anxiety make me shake?
Need to address each case, it could be another medical condition or could be some other medicine. I don't see shakes related to depression medicine.
Does anxiety worsen with age?
If it's not treated, it may happen or can be some other medical condition.
My mother doesn't want to live after my father passed?
That is normal after the first 2 months, be in close contact with your mother. If she continues having these symptoms after 2 months, need to follow up with your geriatric physician, READ MORE
That is normal after the first 2 months, be in close contact with your mother. If she continues having these symptoms after 2 months, need to follow up with your geriatric physician, but if she has any suicidal ideas, she needs to go to the ER immediately.
What is the best medication for an anxiety disorder?
It's case by case, but usually the SSRI family is a good option to start.
What happens if you give antidepressants to someone with dementia?
Many patients with dementia could have depression instead of dementia, and if you treat the depression, you will see a significant improvement.
How to treat generalized anxiety disorder in senior citizens?
It's case by case, but usually therapy and medicine help a lot. Avoid benzodiazepines.
Are hospice patients still being treated during covid-19?
She can be treated as any patient for covid if she requires O2.
How do I cope with not seeing my mother in the nursing home?
Possible call in to NH and see if she can talk by phone or zoom. If not, need to wait for the restriction change in the NH.
My mother no longer has an appetite, but she has to eat for her medications. What should I do?
It's possible your mother has depression and needs treatment.
How is peeling skin managed in the elderly?
Skin in the elderly is very fragile, use humectant lotion and try to avoid dry skin.
How should we deal with cancer in an elderly person?
Pain medicine, love, and be close to him all the time.