Urology Questions Urologist

Is a drain needed for a hydrocelectomy?

I have a hydrocele (ultrasound showed it is probably non-commuting), and the urologist I went to recommended a scrotal incision and placing a drain tube for up to a week after the surgery.

I had already scheduled an appointment with a different urologist, so I decided to go for a second opinion. However, this urologist said that a drain is NOT necessary and would not use one for surgery on my hydrocele. Is a drain necessary for a hydrocelectomy? I don’t know which urologist I should trust.

Male | 21 years old
Conditions: Hydrocele

2 Answers

Many physicians place drains in wounds after performing hydrocelectomy if they are concerned about a collection of blood-forming in the operated area. This is often an intra-operative decision and varies between surgeons.
Please refer to a urologist.