Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is a hot shower good for lower back pain?

I have lower back pain. Is a hot shower good for lower back pain?

5 Answers

It depends on the cause of the pain. If it's arthritic pain or other pain of longstanding origin, a hot shower works. If the pain is from a recent trauma or relatively new injury, ice is superior to heat. (Look at the example of football players, when one is injured on the field, the coaches pack him in ice, not heat.)
Yes, heat in many cases will warm the connective tissue and will increase circulation. If your low back pain is chronic in nature is advised to use heat.
If pain is less than 3 days do not apply heat. Ice only. For 30 minutes every hour and a half. If pain has been there more than 3 days heat is fine. Before activities heat and or sports cream is fine then ice asap following activities.
Temporarily, yes it can be.
It depends on if your lower back pain if recent (Acute) in its onset or if your back pain has been present for a while now (chronic). If the pain is acute lower back pain, heat will only make it worse, but if it is Chronic pain it can be helpful. I recommend that you address the cause of your lower back pain either way. If the Spinal joints are stuck and not able to freely move, this area of dysfunction of your spine can lead to age accelerated Arthritis in your Spine. This would cause an increased chance of this problem becoming an area of pain in your future. As Arthritis gets worse, it becomes more difficult to obtain a long-term solution for the pain. Even surgery could become necessary if the pain is unrelenting and severe, or the bony spurs from the Arthritis start to put dangerous pressure on the Spinal Nerves or the Spinal Cord itself. I can be reached at 336-773-1177 if you have any questions or concerns regarding your lower back pain. Chiropractic care has been found in Scientific research studies to be a very safe and effective way to treat Lower Back pain.