Dentist Questions Dentist

Is having a molar extraction painful?

I will have a molar extraction. I am afraid. Is having a molar extraction painful?

6 Answers

Yes. While you will be numb during the surgery, you will be in pain during recovery and as your body heals.
I am sad that you need a molar extraction. A confident, relaxed patient will be more likely to experience no pain. An anxious, nervous, frightened patient will likely experience pain. This patient’s higher blood pressure will likely interfere with the normal action of the anesthetic. I am sure you know how to breathe slow, deep breaths, and use progressive relaxation to be more at peace. Practice before your appointment and you will do fine. Get help with this before your appointment. If the needed loss of your molar was brought about by decay, I hope you would be interested in never having dental decay again. Within the book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC, are secrets on how to never have another cavity. The secrets are easy to learn and follow. Do yourself a favor. Read it and follow it. Never having another cavity is worth the effort. The book does not ask you to buy anything. It is do it yourself.
Good luck on your journey.
In my experience the level of discomfort is very subjective, that is, if you are in a crisis at the time and severely infected, it may be a bit more unpleasant. But for the most part, with proper anesthetic, you feel practically nothing. In my office, we also provide several sedation methods to assume a much better outcome.
Extracting a molar tooth should have no pain with the procedure. You will feel pushing and some pressure. The local aneshtetics should allow for only that. If the tooth is significantly infected that can complicate the effectiveness of the anesthetics but a discussion with the dentist prior to and during the procedure can usually overcome those issues.
Once they give you the local anesthetic, no extraction should be painful.
No. You should just feel pressure. That is why we use anesthetic