Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Dentist

Is it okay to eat normally if my wisdom tooth stitches have dissolved/fallen out (normally)?

I had surgery on the 16th of this month. Is it safe to eat normal foods and "crunchy/hard" foods? The date as of now is February 26th.

Is it okay to eat normally if my wisdom tooth stitches have dissolved/fallen out (normally)?

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: Month
Medications: Penacillan
Conditions: Wisdom Tooth Extraction and Tooth removal

3 Answers

Yes you can resume your normal diet now, however, avoid hard foods that can cause bleeding in the area of surgery, since the soft tissue is still very premature. Must keep the area clean after each meal, to prevent food trapped in the sockets and cause infection. Use a syringe with lightly salt water, salty like soup, to push out debris accumulated in there. Good luck.
With oral surgical procedures like wisdom tooth extractions with sutures you will want to wait a minimum of two weeks before attempts to eat potentially damaging hard foods. The most common sutures will dissolve within 3-7 days, which is way too early for hard foods. Remember, your epithelium (skin) needs time to heal, but also the connective tissue under that which takes a minimum of two weeks to get to a decent state to withstand those forces. Another thing to remember is that even intact nonhealing tissue can take a beating from some of the hard foods we try to eat like chips popcorn and some hard vegetables.
Normal eating is fine