Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Is massage good for tennis elbow?

I am a 34 year old female. I want to know if massage is good for tennis elbow?

5 Answers

Yes it can be helpful
Massage done correctly can be beneficial to tennis elbow, as part of initial treatment which can also include using a wrist immobilizer for a week or so (this immobilizes the tendons involved at the elbow), special stretches, and proper icing. For better results, try icing the area for a few minutes, then do circular massaging of the area using your thumb or proper device, then ice again for 5-10 minutes afterwards.

Ron Noy, MD, FAAOS
It can be helpful, but by itself it's usually not enough.
Yes!!! This is one case where ‘no pain, no gain’ applies.
Massage is fine and it certainly won’t hurt anything. However, I recommend you take Advil two or three tablets with each meal. You should get a tennis elbow strap and use that whenever you are gripping anything forcefully. Try to grip things with your hand pointing upwards as this uses different muscles. If the above is unsuccessful after a month or so, you’ll have to see an orthopedic surgeon.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose