Endocrinology, Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Is the GOLO pill safe?

I have diabetes 2 but am on insulin and take metformin with meals. Also on Lisinopril for high blood pressure. Even though I follow my diet and have had an A1c of 6.7 for over 2 years. I can't seem to lose weight. I was thinking of trying the GOLO pill. Is it safe? What are the dangers?

Male | 60 years old
Medications: Metformin/linsinopril/insulin 70/30
Conditions: HBP/Diabetes 2

5 Answers

The ingredients in that supplement have not undergone clinical trial testing and FDA approval. I cannot say that it would help with your goal of weight loss, but there are other approved treatments for your diabetes that can help with weight loss and still keep your diabetes under control. You may ask your physician if a GLP1-receptor agonist (there are several brands) or SGLT2 inhibitor might be an option for you in place of your insulin. Good work on keeping your A1C less than 7!
GOLO has chromium, magnesium and zinc which are minerals needed for normal function of some enzymatic actions and are involved in different areas of glucose metabolism. There are also some natural extracts which are touted to increase insulin sensitivity. These are generally safe. There is no replacement for decreasing all foods, especially the grains. Losing weight is difficult, but even more so with taking insulin. Decreasing the insulin resistance will greatly improve your overall health. GOLO is a product designed to decrease insulin resistance.
If you are ready to diet, any supplement will help you along with losing weight. It is a commitment and takes time to show weight loss. Start today and give yourself a realistic goal to follow. Losing a alf a pound a week would be perfect.
PS I don’t really believe in Golo but as stated if you think as part of a program it will help I am all for it
The Golo Pill is mostly just a mild laxative. It’s safe but it’s not magical in any way. It won’t help you at all unless you do the diet that is recommended by Golo, which is the same diet your diabetes doc has likely been telling you to do for years- low starch, lots of non-starchy veggies, and adequate lean protein. (Which is a diet that will help you lose weight even if you don’t spend $90 on the Golo pill).