Family Practitioner Questions Doctor

Is this an Amoxclav side effect?

Is it normal to not have an appetite from taking Amoxclav as well as a gurgly stomach?

Male | 53 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: Amoxclav 875/125
Conditions: Tooth abscess

3 Answers

Yes, those are common side effects to your treatment. If it is mild to moderate, you can readily assume that it will pass when your treatment is done. If it becomes serious, you should consult your doctor.

Yours truly,

Dr. Richard Evan (Rick) Steele

Yes, it can be a side effect, you could get constipation or diarrhea, even vomiting. Taking a probiotic may help.
Get well soon.

Dr. K
Yes, this can be completely normal with this antibiotic. It can cause diarrhea as well. If it is too bad, contact your doctor.