Hematologist (Blood Specialist) | Hematology Questions Hematologist

Lab result question?

I am a 60 year old white male. I have low WBC, MCH, MCHC WBC 4.6 (4.8 – 10.8) MCH 26.5 (27.0 – 34.5) MCHC 31.7 (32 – 36). I have low ferritin 11.0 (26.0 -388.0) Hemoglobin is normal but on low end 14.1 (14.0 – 18.0). In 2015, 2016, 2017 hemoglobin was in 16.0+ range. Starting in 2018 I began donating 6 units of blood per year and hemoglobin levels began to decrease (2018 - 15.7, 2019 - 15.4, 2021 - 14.1). I do not take iron supplement or multi-vitamin w/iron. My T4 free is low at 0.74 (0.76 – 1.46). My TSH 3rd gen is normal at 1.70 (0.36 - 3.74).

Male | 60 years old

1 Answer

You are likely iron deficient. This may be due to the blood donations, but you should be checked for intestinal loss as well. If found you have blood in stool, you need endoscopy. Oral iron once daily with fish or meat should replace iron stores after a couple of.months if there is no loss otherwise.