Radiologist Questions Radiologist

Left Tibia?

I had a fall in April 2021 that fractured my left hip and I had hip surgery. At time of the fall continuing to present there is pain about 3 inches below the knee cap around the tibial tuberosity. It is painful and is more prominent than the same area on the right side. X-rays of the area have all read as no fracture in that area. However, on the lateral view X-ray I see a “V” shape “something” on the proximal tibia in the area of pain. What would that be?

Male | 90 years old
Complaint duration: 4 months
Conditions: Post left hip fracture repair, prostate cancer, diabetes

3 Answers

Could be fracture. But if it still hurts there, ask for MRI
You would need to ask a radiologist or medical doctor
The patellar tendon inserts on the tibia at the tibial tubercle. We will often get bone growing into the tendon at that attachment typically called a traction spur. This is usually a sign of previous injury or inflammation many years in the making. Generally not painful, but can be irritated with putting the knee down on hard surfaces.

Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD