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Eric Steadman

Physiatrist (Physical Medicine)

Eric Steadman is a physical therapist practicing in Draper, UT. Eric Steadman specializes in physical treatment to help a patient reduce pain, restore mobility, rehabilitate an injury, or increase movement and overall function. As a physical therapist, Eric Steadman can treat multiple conditions with exercises, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, joint mobilization, heat, ice, massage, laser or light therapy and more. Eric Steadman will create a treatment plan based on the patients specific injury or condition, and might target a specific body part or body system based on the individual.
7 years Experience
Eric Steadman
  • Draper, UT
  • Utah State University
  • Accepting new patients

Can chronic wrist pain be cured with acupuncture?

It definitely can help! Dry needling is helpful as well and similar to acupuncture.

How do you regain your arm movement after a stroke?

You need to constantly try to move it while looking at it several times per day. Put your arm on a table and try sliding it side to side. But most of all you need to see a physical READ MORE
You need to constantly try to move it while looking at it several times per day. Put your arm on a table and try sliding it side to side. But most of all you need to see a physical therapist.

Can hospice patients get physical therapy at home?

If the hospice company is willing to pay a physical therapist they usually will allow a few visits of physical therapy. Or the patient/family can privately pay a physical therapist READ MORE
If the hospice company is willing to pay a physical therapist they usually will allow a few visits of physical therapy. Or the patient/family can privately pay a physical therapist as it is not a typical benefit under hospice care.

Can tight neck muscles cause difficulty breathing?

Tight neck muscles are not a common cause of having difficulty with breathing. You should see your doctor.

What is the best treatment for sciatica?

It really depends on the cause. You would need to be evaluated by a PT in your area. Nerve glides would be a good place to start

Does physical therapy help headaches?

It depends on the cause of the headaches. If it is posture or muscle related there’s a lot of things Physical Therapy can do to help you. You should see a doctor or physical therapist READ MORE
It depends on the cause of the headaches. If it is posture or muscle related there’s a lot of things Physical Therapy can do to help you. You should see a doctor or physical therapist near you to be fully evaluated

Is there physical therapy after hip replacement?

Yes, Physical Therapy is very helpful for you after your surgery

Pubic bone pain?

This could be a lot of different things. You should talk with your family doctor about it

Do you need physical therapy after bunion surgery?

Only if you end up with a functional limitation afterwards

What is the fastest way to heal bursitis of the knee?

Rest and ice followed by isometric exercises then walking and strengthening

What kind of physical therapy comes after knee surgery?

That depends on the kind of knee surgery. But for the most part you would get PT focused on range of motion, pain management, and strength training


You need to see your doctor

Back pain?

A physical therapist near you could help you

How long does it take to get strength back after COVID?

It can take several months. Seeing a physical therapist near you can help

Can you get physical therapy while on palliative care?

You can usually but it may depend on your insurance

Chest between shoulder pain?

It definitely could be.

Left Tibia?

You would need to ask a radiologist or medical doctor