Physical Therapist Questions

Left foot injury

How do you kt tape peroneal tendinitis?
I have peroneal tendinitis and Os trigosum in my left foot and need a good way to kt tape it cause I am a dancer, and need support

Conditions: Peroneal tendinitis

5 Answers

There are several ways you can tape for peroneal tendinitis. It's probably best you see a professional so they can show you in person one time and you can video it to reproduce the tape positioning. There are also some good youtube videos
KT taping can be a helpful tool for providing support and reducing pain in cases of peroneal tendinitis and Os trigonum.
To KT tape peroneal tendinitis and Os trigonum in your left foot as a dancer, anchor the tape below the heel, then apply along the outer foot and calf. This provides stability and support for dancing.
Honestly, I just did a YouTube search. They are all accurate. But after taking courses on KT and reading good quality research articles.... The efficacy/effectiveness is questionable . You are better off getting proper treatment . (Taping can be a bridge or adjunct but not a solution) And since dance places excessive amounts of loads on your ankles/feet/entire body ( my children are dancers)... Is your class so funny what happened to this girl? She's like she's really smart she does something important. I forget what she wanted so she's my cousin second cousin her mom died Teresa Sandra.. Doing effective loading exercises are extremely important. Start off using rehab exercises and then progressing more dance related movements. Don't use dance as the only for of exercises . Your body is not handling it hence your tendonitis Get Outlook for iOS<>
The os trigonum is due to repeated plantarflexion (going up on toes) as a dancer. This accessory (additional) bone creates what we call posterior impingement of the ankle. This causes pinching of the tendons that cross the back of your ankle and leads to improper ankle alignment and improper muscle activity. This is what is causing your ankle pain and peroneal tendinitis. The best way to fix this issue is by correcting the alignment of the ankle through manual therapy and athletic taping using a more rigid tape than KT tape. Feel free to reach out to me if you have more questions and I would be happy to help.