Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Lumbar puncture?

Hi, I have a weak paralysis sensation in the area where I had it done. This was 28 years ago. It flares up every now and then and I struggle immensely to walk and move. Then it goes as if was never there. Could this be nerve damage from the lumbar puncture?

Female | 43 years old
Complaint duration: 28 years
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

2 Answers

I doubt that what you are experiencing is from 28 years ago. You may have arthritic changes in the spine that could exert pressure on the nerve as it comes off the spinal cord. I would suggest an examination by an orthopedist or neurosurgeon. There are some findings on physical exam that might indicate a problem. An X-ray or MRI could be done if examination reveals some weakness or numbness. The fact that it is transitory might suggest that symptoms are due inflammation that subsequently goes away. It is possible that these tests would not turn up anything. If the symptoms are interfering with your activity, you should look into it.
Consult Neurology.