Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Medication side effects?

I've been taking Mirtazapine for almost 3 months for GERD. It worked well and I tolerated it well until the past two weeks when I got so tired I couldn't function. I went off of it but took Promethezine last night for nausea. I've had that drug too and tolerated it well. But today I can barely function again. What can cause that change and what can I do? (I've messaged my doctor but he's not been responding, and I am trying to get an appointment.)

Female | 62 years old
Complaint duration: Weeks
Medications: Mirtazapine
Conditions: GERD

3 Answers

Mirtazepine or Remeron is an antidepressant that helps improve appetite and sleep. Promethazine or Phenergan is used for nausea and tends to make one sleepy. I suspect that you still had some mirtazepine in your body when you took the promethazine. So, both made you sleepy. I am curious about the reason for using mirtazepine for GERD? GERD is usually treated with proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole.
Your case does not seem to be straightforward because mirtazapine is not used to treat GERD solely. It is more likely that it is being used to treat something else, such as visceral hypersensitivity of the stomach or esophagus, e.g. "functional heartburn". But regardless of what the diagnosis is, you may simply be getting side effects to these medicines,, so you should go back to your doctor to find an alternative that will not cause you fatigue.
Sudden cessation of mirtazepine will bring on nausea and cramps and lightheaded feelings. Promethazine is generally well tolerated as an anti-nausea medicine, but can have side effects.