Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

Mom has really dry skin and new rashes?

My mom has had really dry palms, mostly her dominant hand. Cracking and bleeding, painful, for at least a month. Last week she got a rash on the crook of her elbow and today she sent me messages about her armpit having rashes too, she's sending photos and I'm worried. The rash on her arm has gotten a lot worse in the last week. It does itch a little. She gave me permission to ask for her. My google searching isn't helping much, as you might imagine. She's been an alcoholic for nearly 40 years if it's relevant, but she drinks a ton of water too. She's tried using coconut oil and other oils on her hands with gloves to hydrate them but it's not helping at all. She said she took her blood pressure and it's 122/70. She's been complaining about fatigue as well. She's 5 '2 and weighs maybe 130.

Female | 64 years old
Complaint duration: 3 weeks
Medications: none
Conditions: rashes, dry hands/feet

2 Answers

This might be a form of eczema could be related to vitamin D deficiency related to alcoholism and will need medical attention
She should be seen by a dermatologist.

Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD, FAAD