“My baby blinks excessively. What's wrong?”
My baby is 7 months old. Recently he has been blinking excessively and has a concerned look in his eyebrows. What's wrong with him? What can I do?
11 Answers

Richard Grant Hunter
Most cases are due to dry eyes. Rarely underlying eye or brain disease. Suggest evaluation by pediatric ophthalmologist & go from there. Good luck!
Amitha J. Mundenchira
Family Practitioner
Excessive blinking is common in children under 6 years of age. It can appear suddenly and can last about 6 months. As long as baby follows movement with his eyes and is doing well in all other aspects of development, you can just monitor for now. If it does not resolve within 6 months, get his doctor to check.
It could be a disease that causes dry eyes, check with a pediatric ophthalmologist or a pediatric neurologist.

Dr. Lisa Ann Shepherd
Family Practitioner
If the baby has never done this before, I would have them checked out by a pediatrician or family practice physician to make sure they do not have a foreign body in the eye. Sometimes children will learn behaviors at that age and repeat them frequently to get a reaction from others, but it would be best to make sure nothing else is going on.
A pediatric ophthalmologist will be able to diagnose the cause of the symptoms. A thorough exam will be performed. If there is a problem such as an ingrown eyelash, corneal abrasion (scratch on the front surface of the eye), conjunctivitis (pink eye), foreign body in the eye, or eye dryness, this can easily be diagnosed by performing an examination with an instrument called a slit lamp. This is a special microscope used to magnify the eye. If glasses are needed, this can also be easily detected. Any strabismus (in turning or out turning of the eye) will be diagnosed when the ophthalmologist examines the eye movements.
If an abrasion (scratch of the cornea) or conjunctivitis (inflammation of the red part of the eye and blood vessels on the white sclera) is diagnosed, eye drops or ointment may be given. Glasses may be prescribed if the excessive blinking is caused by blurry vision.
A habitual tic is a small, voluntary body movement. It may be caused by, among other things, stress, fatigue or boredom. It usually affects both eyes at the same time. It affects boys twice as often as girls, with the average age of 5 years when it first appears. It is a benign condition that will resolve without treatment, usually within weeks to years, often recurring intermittently. There is no neurologic cause, and further evaluation and brain scans are not necessary. If the child displays multiple tics and/or auditory (vocal) tics, an appointment with a Neurologist is indicated.
If an abrasion (scratch of the cornea) or conjunctivitis (inflammation of the red part of the eye and blood vessels on the white sclera) is diagnosed, eye drops or ointment may be given. Glasses may be prescribed if the excessive blinking is caused by blurry vision.
A habitual tic is a small, voluntary body movement. It may be caused by, among other things, stress, fatigue or boredom. It usually affects both eyes at the same time. It affects boys twice as often as girls, with the average age of 5 years when it first appears. It is a benign condition that will resolve without treatment, usually within weeks to years, often recurring intermittently. There is no neurologic cause, and further evaluation and brain scans are not necessary. If the child displays multiple tics and/or auditory (vocal) tics, an appointment with a Neurologist is indicated.
Baby with excessive blinking: this might be normal, but sometimes could be due to a seizure disorder. The baby should be seen by a pediatric neurologist. I would recommend university hospital. You might want to pursue University hispiral pediatric neurology department.
Excessive Blinking in a baby is usually caused by a problem in the eyelids or front surface of the eye. I would recommend you have your child seen by your pediatrician or a pediatric ophthalmologist. The provider will be able to look at your baby’s eyes under a special light (a slit lamp) to make sure your baby doesn’t have an ingrown eyelash, a scratch on the front of the eye, and eye infection, a foreign body or just dry eyes.
This is something you may want to see your doctor in person for- sometimes blinking is just that (especially in a baby at this age- he may have just realized that he can control his own blinking, and is just doing it because it's new and fun!) but can also be a sign of other problems. Without seeing your child, it would be difficult for me to say.

Breanna Lynn O\'Keefe
Family Practitioner
It could be due to a light sensitivity. Otherwise, he's likely just making
funny faces.
funny faces.
Excessive blinking could be caused by problems with the eyelids or the conjunctival surface that is the white part of the eye, decreased tear production or any problems with vision or eyelashes turning inward or foreign body in eye and sometimes it could just be tics. You need to see an ophthalmologist to diagnose what actually is causing it.