“My doctors can't find a diagnosis?”
High Blood Pressure
High Pulse Rate
Chest Pain
Extreme Fatigue
Profuse Sweating
Easy and Unexplained Bruising
Shortness of breath with minimal exertion
Swollen Feet, Legs, Wrists, Abdomen, Neck, Under chin, Tongue, Face
Severe Left Ear Pain, not daily, usually when the tongue is swollen
Vision Problems
Severe Weight Gain
Severe Muscle and Joint Pain
Ulcers on Tongue
Occasional Nausea and vomiting
Diuretics do not make me urinate
I can hardly stand up without profuse sweating and tiredness. Hard to get out of bed and do anything. When I do, I am hurting so bad I can't do anything.
Diagnosed Conditions:
Unstable angina pectoris (HCC)
Diverticulosis of colon
Diastolic dysfunction
Mixed hyperlipidemia
Essential hypertension
Dyspnea on exertion
Fluid retention
ADD (attention deficit disorder)
History of HPV infection - HPVOH detected
POCT URINALYSIS DIPSTICK: Out of standard range
Color, UA - dark yellow
Clarity, UA - cloudy
Spec Grav, UA - 1.025
pH, UA - 7.0
Urobilinogen, UA - 0.2
Leukocytes, UA - small
Mitral valve leaflets are mildly thickened with a preserved leaflet
Mild mitral regurgitation is present.
Structurally normal aortic valve.
Tricuspid valve is structurally normal.
Mild tricuspid regurgitation.
Normal left ventricular size with preserved LV function and an estimated
ejection fraction of approximately 55-60%.
Left ventricular size is normal.
Normal left ventricular wall thickness.
No regional wall motion abnormalities.
Impaired relaxation is compatible with diastolic dysfunction. (reversed E/A ratio)
FLUoxetine 20 MG capsule
Aspirin 81mg tablet
Naproxen 500mg tablet
potassium chloride 10 MEQ extended-release tablet
Losartan 25mg tablet
omeprazole 40 MG delayed-release capsule
Female | 51 years old
Complaint duration: 9 months
Medications: listed above
Conditions: listed above
3 Answers

A nutritionist may be helpful to consider how to manage the best diet in your current condition.