Orthopaedic Surgery Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Neck injury?

I have hyperflexion injury C4-T5 (1996 military service) - x-ray in April 2022 shows multilevel hypertrophic degenerative changes at C4-5 and C6-7 levels. Can this be attributed to military injury?

Male | 48 years old
Complaint duration: 16 years
Conditions: limited neck motion/numbness/tingling/in neck - elbows - hands / headaches / neck stiffness

4 Answers

hyperextension can be a cause but you must have some asymmetry in the lower extremities
If you have documented record, showing an injury in the military to cervical spine, then it could be contributed to it even at lower levels. I myself am a Veteran and want to thank you for your service.
These are very common even without known injuries. However I would still attempt to get something from the VA.
Possibly a contribution but no way to be certain.