Doctor Questions Doctor

Numbness in feet and lower legs?

I’m diabetic and I have neuropathy in my feet, but the last couple of days my feet and lower legs feel more numb and swelled, my feet also ache. There is no visible swelling in my feet or legs. I had a cortisone shot in my knee a week ago, and I also have extreme anxiety.

Female | 55 years old
Complaint duration: Couple of weeks
Conditions: Diabetes, thyroid, kidney disease, extreme anxiety and depression

4 Answers

I would discuss with primary care office

EMG test and/or Neurology Consult maybe best approach

This could all be secondary to your diabetes and neuropathy from diabetes. Please consult with your PCP and make sure there is tight glycemic control.
Thanks so much!

Best regards,

Dr. Brionez
Either one or all of your medical problems can contribute to worsening of your diabetic neuropathy. The first key is control of your glucose and proper foot care. I would suggest seeing your primary care provider to manage your multiple medical conditions.
Complicated question but you may simply be retaining some extra fluid from the steroid injection - if so this should correct itself in a week or so