Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) | Otology & Neurotology Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Painful ear infection?

I have had an ear infection for 2 months and antibiotics are not clearing it up. Now I have a heartbeat in my ears, the pain is unbearable.

Female | 53 years old
Complaint duration: 60 days
Medications: Clindomyacin
Conditions: Reacurring ear infections

2 Answers

How do you know you have an ear infection is my first question?
Acute otitis media is a middle ear infection, with INFECTED fluid in the middle ear space. Usually presents as fever, pain, URI symptoms.
Acute otitis externa is an infection of the skin of the outer ear, like swimmers ear, and can be fungal or bacterial.
Chronic serous otitis media is not an infection at all, but simply fluid in the middle ear space that is not resolving.
Pulsatile tinnitus (heartbeat in the ear) can be normal, since there are large blood vessels that travel through the temporal bone, where the cochlea is housed in the skull.
Bottomline, have an ENT look at your ear to see what the problem is.
At this point in time, I would recommend an evaluation by an ENT. They would look for fluid in the ear or other conditions which can be the cause of the sound in your ears.
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