OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Menstruation


Having my periods 4-5 times within 2-3 months ? Is it normal?

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 2-3 months
Medications: No medications

4 Answers

Menstrual frequency is considered normal if periods occur every 21-35 days. If the occur more frequently, or there is bleeding in between periods, I would recommend seeing a gynecologist to determine an underlying cause.
That is not normal and ideally periods should be anywhere from 21-35 days a part - anything more frequent or more spread out needs a evaluation to see if there is some reason for abnormal bleeding either hormonal, structural and other medical issues. Please see a board certified gynecologist.
See your Doctor & get a pregnancy test. If neg Rhee are things to evaluate & control this
That seems to be a little bit much. I would recommend you see your GYN doctor for an evaluation.