Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Poison Oak on hands?

Are the blisters on hands from poison ivy or poison oak contagious to others or myself? How long typically till they go away? Is Zanfel the best treatment?

Male | 47 years old
Complaint duration: 8 days
Medications: Zanfel
Conditions: Poison Oak

3 Answers

Steroids can help. It is generally a 3-week course before it heals.
Poison ivy or poison oak results from contact with the plant or contact with a pet who has the plant's resin on its skin. One cannot catch poison ivy or oak from another person. I have no idea what zanfei is. Severe poison ivy might require treatment by your doctor. 

Steve Schleicher
No. It is your body’s immune response that causes the blisters and not contagious