OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Pregnancy scare?

I'm worried I might be pregnant, and that I'm experiencing implantation bleeding. I am on birth control combination pills, I just began my fourth week (reminder pills) 3 days ago. I'm not sure if I'm now on my period and the pills have just made it very light, or if I have missed my period and I'm instead experiencing implantation bleeding/ discharge.

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 25/6/22
Medications: Birth control
Conditions: N/A

3 Answers

As usual in medicine, I can't tell you for sure. It is about 99% that it is your period, which can be lighter with the birth control pill but there is always a small chance it could be pregnancy- either an early miscarriage or implantation bleeding. Telling you not to worry is a waste of time because you're going to anyway. So, wait a couple weeks and do a pregnancy test (or wait a few days and get a blood pregnancy test, if you can). If those are negative, it is almost for sure you are not pregnant. Good luck Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
See an obstetrician as soon as possible many patients with this problem need an ultrasound and a quantitative beta-hCG repeated every other day to make sure that this is a normal pregnancy and not ectopic pregnancy, or a miscarriage.
Difficult to answer with facts you supplied! If this was your first month on a COC ( combination birth control pill), then all bets are off and you need a pregnancy test. If you’ve been on the COC for awhile, it’s unlikely you’re pregnant. The pills provided days 22-28 are usually placebo pills. The decreased amount of blood is one of the benefits of being on a COC, lighter periods.
BUT, when in doubt get a pregnancy test!!