Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Problems With My Eyes

I have been wearing eye glasses for nearsightness for over 10 years. Recently, I have been seeing black spots and string like materials on my both eyes for about a month. I have also been seeing colors of light moving on my eyes for about 10 days, especially in the dark. What could this be?

Female | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: Ibuprofen for dysmenorrhoea
Conditions: near sightedness

4 Answers

At best it is floaters. Could be a retinal tear with bleeding. See an Ophthalmologist ASAP.
Without a thorough eye exam including how nearsighted/myopic you are, most phthalmologist would not render a definitive diagnosis for you. The black spots and strings are suggestive of vitreous floaters, which are more common in near-sighted young adults than other young adults. You should set up an appointment with an eyecare specialist for a complete eye exam with pupil dilation.
Sorry to hear about your symptoms. Do you have any vision change or loss of peripheral vision? Is the symptom constant or on/off? It seems like it could be a floater? It typically happens in people over 40-50 but myopic patients can experience it earlier. The color light could be ocular migraine without headache. Do you have h/o migraine? Pls see an ophthalmologist and have a full dilated eye exam to r/o any retina issue which could be less likely.
Good luck!
You could have a retinal break which could lead to retinal detachment. Get it checked by an ophthalmologist urgently.